Archive for the ‘Business Topics’ Category

The Durbin Amendment: a costly price control experiment

Most Americans would be surprised to learn that the federal government is still in the business of setting the prices that one industry can charge another for its services.  That kind of economic micromanagement seems archaic and outmoded in 2016.  But a retro regulation is exactly how one sector is protecting its profit margins – […]

Accounting Tips for Small Business Startups

Accounting is by far one of the most important aspects of starting and operating a successful business. So, business owners beware. While it’s easy to get caught up in the glamorous task of designing your website or choosing the perfect business name, without a solid understanding of the numbers, you will not survive. The streets of […]

Customer Centric Culture

In my exclusive column for CustomerThink last month, I shared my “top tips” for creating the right culture to enable an organisation to become genuinely customer centric. Whilst the list of seven things is by no means exhaustive, in my experience, together they provide a remarkably solid foundation to embedding the right environment and supporting […]

3 Reasons Websites Are Vital for Small Businesses

Running your own business is no easy task, and your to-do-list is guaranteed to never end. This said, you shouldn’t use this as an excuse to take short cuts when it comes to having online visibility. Beginning with your website, it’s vital to position yourself online with a strong, professional destination that gives customers the […]

6 of the Biggest Small Business Challenges

Times are tough for small businesses in particular, who are facing issues that are unique to their situation in an economy that still certainly looks and feels as if it’s suffering a recession. There are a number of key small business challenges that recur over and over in business forums as major problem areas. As […]

Managing Sustainability Risks and Driving Value

Sustainability is a hot-button issue for modern businesses — it impacts everything from raw material sourcing to employee retention. By finding ways to manage sustainability risks, you can avoid costly problems and drive value where it’s needed most. Set Up Sustainability Metrics Like any other part of your operations, metrics are a key part of […]

About Chip Cards

Hide Show Why does my Bank of America credit card or debit card now include a chip? As chip technology will soon become the security standard in the U.S., many merchants are beginning to accept chip cards and we want you to be ready. You’ll enjoy greater security when making purchases at a chip-enabled terminal since the […]

The Durbin Amendment Explained

Every time you swipe your debit card, you draw into the Durbin Amendment – a law that costs consumer an estimated $4 billion annually. The amendment, part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law, sharply lowered debit card interchange fees — charges that stores pay banks when a customer makes a purchase. Supporters said the measure, sponsored […]

Security Standards Council

Official PCI Security Standards Council Site – Verify PCI Compliance, Download Data Security and Credit Card Security Standards The PCI Security Standards Council is constantly working to monitor threats and improve the industry’s means of dealing with them, through enhancements to PCI Security Standards and by the training of security professionals. Keep your systems secure, […]

Basics of Internal Control

The Internal Control Integrated Framework published by The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) is the recognized standard for establishing internal controls. COSO defines internal control as: “a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: Effectiveness and […]

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